Looking for sad songs to cheer you up? My music is comfort food for your ears

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As seen in...

My name is Eyvindur Karlsson...

I’m an Icelandic singer-songwriter who loves singing about the diamonds hiding in the mud – the beauty hiding among the sad and low down. I write good, honest Americana and folk music in the vein of Tom Waits and Nick Cave. I like to tell sad stories, mixed with a good dose of humor, that can really cheer you up - perfect for those stormy nights when you just want to sit by a fireplace, book in hand, listening to the crackling of the logs mixed with the crackle of the vinyl record.

And if you are looking for that kind of comfort food for the ears, my music is going to dramatically enhance your life. You’ll have a better appreciation for the world at large, get a better job, meet better people and be at least 20% more productive.

(OK, that might be overselling it a bit, but you get the picture.)

My songs tell stories, and my mission is to create a unique world filled with quirky characters and weird places, and to take you on a guided tour of that strange universe.

Listen to the free tracks now and see what you think.

See you on the other side!
Folk on!

that's what they say...

Very clever with words … Theatrical … Eyvindur is a good singer.

Arnar Eggert Thoroddssen
Music reviewer for Icelandic National Radio 2 (Rás 2)

On his debut album, Eyvindur Karlsson throws caution to the wind and folks his way across the stormy seas. I dare you not to get caught up in the commotion!

Kristján Atli Ragnarsson

You are a person with incredible talent in so many ways. Listening to your music and your connection to the the other artists is wonderful to see and hear.

Eggert Einer Nielsen
Festival Curator, Melodica Nashville


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